Answer 1:
There is a good web site where you can read and see pictures about the slide in La Conchita:
La Conchita landslide
By reading it I can tell you that the bluff above La Conchita has produced a variety of landslides over an extended period of time. Actually there have been several sizes, types, and ages of landslides. The bench at the top of the bluff is the head of a very large prehistoric landslide that affected the entire bluff. The landslides in the area around La Conchita have been a regular occurrence, according to the historical accounts dating back to 1865.
The Southern Pacific rail line that extends along the coastal strip was inundated by landslide debris in 1889 and again in 1909, when a train also was buried (Hemphill, 2001). Since that time, landslides frequently have inundated roads, railroads, cultivated land, and more recently, the La Conchita community.
The 2005 La Conchita landslide occurred on January 10. Little or no newly failed material was involved in the landslide; rather, it consisted of a re-mobilization of the southeastern portion of the 1995 landslide deposit, involving about 200,000 m3 (250,000 yd3). The landslide area was approximately 350 m (1,150 ft) long and 80100 m (260330 ft) wide.
The landslide entered the La Conchita neighborhood destroying 13 houses and severely damaging 23 others. There were 10 confirmed fatalities, unfortunately. Click Here to return to the search form.