Answer 1:
I can give you an average number for the Earth's crust: 46.6% oxygen The Earth's crust is made up of many different types of minerals ( >4,000). As you probably guessed, the percent of oxygen in minerals is different for different types of minerals.
This is an interesting fact: researchers at NASA are looking into oxygen-containing minerals on the moon's surface as a potential source of oxygen. One mineral in particular, ilmenite, contains about 10% oxygen by
weight and when heated gives off that oxygen, so
could be used o create oxygen for astronauts
living in a colony on the moon, something
President Bush has included in his space
exploration plan. NASA has hopes to send
astronauts to the moon by 2018. You could be one
of them! |
Answer 2:
Quartz has two atoms of oxygen and one atom of silicon. Olivine has four atoms of oxygen, one of silicon, and two of either iron or magnesium. Ice has one atom of oxygen and two of hydrogen.
So, by number of atoms, quartz, olivine, and ice, have 2/3 (67%),4/7 (57%), and 1/3 (33%) oxygen, respectively. I would need to calculate how much that is by weight, but suffice it to say that much of the mass of the Earth's minerals is oxygen, somewhere around 50%. Of course, the Earth's core is made out of iron. Click Here to return to the search form.