Answer 1:
Yes it does!
The existence of the giant squid,
genus "Architeuthis", is well accepted by
scientists though little is known about their
habits. It lives in most of the world's oceans and
is among the biggest animals in the sea but it is rarely seen. The first report about such a
creature came in 1861 when a French dispatch
steamer "Alecton" was cruising off the Canary
Islands. Its crew spotted something that looked
like a large sea monster with many arms and a long
tail. They tried to capture it with a rope but
most of the creature sank into the sea, except the
tail which they took back to the French Academy of
Sciences. At the time, no one really believed in
such an animal.
There have been reports from different places around the world of encountering the Giant Squid, mostly from ship workers. For years scientists had tried to capture pictures of a giant squid in the deep sea. It is very hard to capture it in its natural habitat.
Recently, a team of Japanese scientists succeeded during an expedition to the Pacific Ocean. The squid they photographed was forty-six feet long. The photographs show the squid viciously attacking bait on a line and only stopped after one of its tentacles was torn off by the hook.
Giant Squid have been seen fighting adult whales too. In 1965, a Soviet whaler watched a battle between a squid and a 40 ton sperm whale. They both lost. The strangled whale was found floating in the sea with the squid's tentacles wrapped around its throat. The squid's severed head was found in the whale's stomach. (Sperm whales are known to eat squid). It is presumed to be quite active and aggressive.
For more information you can go to this website: Giant
Squid. Click Here to return to the search form.