Answer 1:
Well, it is not true that dogs see only in
black and white. If, however, what you mean by
colorblind is that dogs see only a portion of the
visible spectrum as compared with what humans see,
then yes, dogs are colorblind. Dogs do see
colors differently than we do. Dogs don't seem
to be able to see red and green very well, so they
see the world probably in shades of yellow and
blue. But first, it is important to understand how
dogs see.
Dogs have two types of color photo
reception, or cone cells, on their retinas
that recognize short and medium-to-long
wavelengths of light, corresponding to bluish hues
(short wavelength) and red-yellow ones (long
wavelengths). People, on the other hand, have
three types of cone cells that enable us to see
the full range of colors that make up the
visible spectrum. Since dogs have only two types
of cone cells, the colors they can distinguish are
almost identical to the colors a human who has
red-green color blindness would see. Of course,
colorblind humans still see many different colors,
and scientists think dogs see this range of colors
as well.
As humans we tend to think of dog's visual
capabilities as inferior to ours. It is different
but it may suit their needs better than possessing
accurate color vision would. Dogs can see in much
dimmer light than humans and dogs can detect
motion better than humans can. Click Here to return to the search form.