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Hey, my name is Kimberly and I am right in the middle of the Science Fair. I am required to have an interview with someone who is an expert or knows about my research topic. I was wondering if I could ask someone a few questions about my topic, like an interview.

My question is: Can I make a pH indicator by using vegetables?
Now that you know my question, here are some questions for anyone who can answer them.
Q. Is there anyway to test if a solution is a salt?
Q. Many plant materials, such as red cabbage, contain compounds that are indicators. What compounds does Red Cabbage contain?
Q. So far, I know of 7 acids (sulfuric, Nitric, Hydrochloric, Citric, ascorbic, carbonic, and phosphoric). How many acids [estimated] are out there?
Q. Which acid is the most deadly and where is it found?
Q. What is the definition of corrosive?
Q. If bases can harm skin, and if your hands being to feel slippery you should immediately rinse your hands with large amounts of water because you might have some sort of base on your hands, then why aren't we harmed when washing our hands with soap?
Q. What are some other plant materials that can be used as indicators or have some compounds that are indicators?
Question Date: 2006-03-11
Answer 1:

Yes, Litmus paper turns blue when it is dipped in a base and pink when it is dipped in acid.

The purple color in red cabbage comes from a class of pigment molecules called anthocyanins. It turns out that anthocyanins are found in flower petals, leaves (it makes them turn red in the fall!) and some fruits such as blueberries. Anthocyanins are plant pigments known as flavenoids and produce red, pink, violet and magenta colors in the various plant parts.

Hydrofluoric acid is the most deadly acid known.

From Wikipedia: Corrosion is deterioration of intrinsic properties in a material due to reactions with its environment. Weakening of steel due to oxidation of the iron atoms is a well-known example of electrochemical corrosion. This type of damage usually affects metallic materials, and typically produces oxide(s) and/or salt(s of the original metal. Corrosion also includes the dissolution of ceramic materials and can refer to discoloration and weakening of polymers by the sun's ultraviolet light.

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