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Why do your teeth chatter when you are cold?
Question Date: 2006-04-06
Answer 1:

Isn't that kind of annoying when you are cold and you can't stop from chattering and shaking? All that chattering is because your body is trying to warm itself up before it gets too cold.

Our body likes to keep itself at a nice warm 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit. However, if we go outside on a cold day without warm clothing we start to get cold. Even if our body temperature drops a few degrees it can put us in danger (this is called hypothermia.) So even before our temperature drops, our body starts to protect itself by trying to warm itself up.

Your skin can sense how cold the air is and tells your body that it needs to start warming up before it gets too cold! By shivering, our body can produce heat.

Shivering is caused by your muscles getting tense and then relaxing really quickly over and over again. Your teeth chatter because your face muscles are shaking trying to warm it up.

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