Answer 1:
The following website provides details about the historic and current distributions of the CA
Freshwater Shrimp: link to Sacramento Fish and Wildlife Office .
Unfortunately, it may be exceedingly
difficult to obtain true population estimates for
small invertebrates such as shrimps. As a proxy
for estimates of actual population sizes, many
conservation scientists instead monitor the
distribution and habitats of a species, as well as their relative densities within each habitat or portion of their geographic range. For instance, for the shrimp, there are several distinct watersheds, or river systems, where the shrimp used to occur historically.
Scientists can develop an accurate assessment of the shrimp populations health and its trends (whether the population is increasing or decreasing) by monitoring many different portions of each watershed over time and estimating the number of shrimp at each monitoring site, as well as by monitoring the overall habitat health of their environment.
On a website I found information that
indicates that the shrimp historically inhabited
lowland, year-round (perennial) streams throughout
three counties in California: Marin, Napa, and
Sonoma. In the 1930s, a close cousin shrimp in
southern California had already gone extinct.
When biologists first studied the shrimp, they
were only found in nine streams, and by the late
1970s, the CA Freshwater Shrimp could only be
found three streams. The shrimp was extirpated
from six streams during this period due presumably
to channelization of streams, water withdrawal
from streams, pollution, introduced predators, and
lining streams with concrete for flood control. However, since the shrimp was federally listed as endangered in 1988, it has undergone a tremendous comeback and now inhabits a total of 16 different streams, up from a low of only three streams three decades ago. Click Here to return to the search form.