If flies see many small images, how do they know
what direction the danger is coming from (and
what direction to fly away in)?
Question Date: 2006-12-01 |
Answer 1:
My understanding of how flies see is that they see
many small images instead of one large one. This
makes them very good at seeing motion. Imagine
that you saw the world by pointing a video camera
at things, then viewing them on a TV screen. An
insect sees things more like looking at a wall
full of small TV screens, all showing the about
same scene from slightly different angles. When
something moves in the corner, you see it in the
corner of your eye/TV screen. The fly sees it all
over its eye in the corner of each screen. It can
still see that it's in the upper right corner, for
example, so it can move off to the left.
course it's difficult to know exactly what a fly
sees because that has a lot to do with how the
brain processes the information. You can test
this by looking at optical illusions that fool
your brain into seeing something that is not
there. There are some fun ones at this site: illusions
do you think other animals see things differently
from the way you do? Can you think how an
animal's habitat, place in the food web, size, or
evolutionary history would influence how it
Thanks for asking, |
Answer 2:
Flies have many small eyes each with a narrow
viewing angle.Because of this when light (say
reflected off a predator) enters one of these eyes
they know which angle it came in from. When the
signal from that eye is sent to the brain the
brain records which eye sent it the information
and therefore the angle of the predator. The fly
now knows where the predator is and will fly off
in the opposite direction. |
Answer 3:
Just as with humans or any other complicated
animal, the information collected by the eye is
then transferred to an image-processing lobe in
the animal's brain. This processing lobe puts the
data together and produces an image that the
creature can react to. |
Answer 4:
Flies have compound eyes, which are different from
human eyes. Compound eyes are made up of lots and
lots of light sensors that face at different
angles. Each of these sensors, called ommatidia,
detect the amount of light coming at it and forms
only part of the image. When all of these images
are put together they take the form of whatever
the fly is seeing. Thus, flies can see which
direction that danger is coming from. In a way
compound eyes work like a TV screen. A TV screen
is made up of many pixels; each pixel has its own
color and light intensity. When you put all the
pixels together you get a picture. |
Answer 5:
Although it might seem that a fly does not have
vivid vision like humans, the fly is able to
extract all the information it needs from those
small images you described in your question. You
also have to keep in mind that most of visual
processing that leads to motion perception and
action is done in the brain, so even though the
images the fly gets from its eyes are small, most
of its brain is dedicated to visual
The main process by which the
fly knows about danger is called looming. When an
object moves closer to the fly, it is perceived as
getting bigger. The change in size tells the fly
that danger is approaching. |
Answer 6:
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