Answer 1:
Hem, you just pushed one of my buttons! (I'm a
paleobotanist who studies the effects of ancient
climate, among other things...)
current Earth first. The rising temperatures of
the present day are accompanied by an increasing
CO2 concentration of the atmosphere.
The carbon in CO2 can come from various
sources, and there are two (important) isotopes,
C-12 and C-13, and the different sources contain
different amounts of each (there's C-14 also, but
it's unimportant as far as this goes). Based on
the change in the isotopic ratio of carbon dioxide
in our atmosphere, we can identify the source of
the rising CO2 levels: fossil
Now, carbon dioxide is a greenhouse
gas, but is a very *weak* greenhouse gas, not
enough to cause the climate changes we have been
seeing on our own. However, according to computer
climate models - which are *notoriously* difficult
to test - the minor warming caused by increased
CO2 will cause the evaporation of water
from the oceans. Water vapor is a much more
powerful greenhouse gas, and this positive
feedback, according to the models, will magnify
the small temperature increase induced by adding
CO2 into the atmosphere. This will
*not* produce a run-away greenhouse effect, i.e.
the Earth will *not* boil away all of its oceans
and become like Venus, but it could warm up more
than the CO2 increase alone would
indicate. As a result, we can assume that human
CO2 emissions are warming the climate,
but of the climate warming that we observe, there
are many other possible explanations, the simplest
being an increase in the brightness of the Sun
(which we know is variable). How much of the
current climate warming is due to human activity?
That depends on which of the numerous climate
models you believe - and, as I said, they're
untested, so from a scientific standpoint, we
don't actually know yet. What does this mean for
the future? That depends on how much of current
warming is due to human activity - as well as how
the other factors that we have no control over,
like solar luminosity, change.
geologic influences - over the Earth's history,
the primary source of CO2 in the
Earth's atmosphere has been volcanic activity.
There are two major sinks, these being carbon
burial (which is what creates fossil fuels), and
carbonate precipitation, i.e. lime stones and
dolomites. The Earth actually does have a Venusian
atmosphere of CO2 locked away in
carbonate rocks. Like most other gasses,
CO2 also is more soluble in water the
colder the water gets, so simply warming the
climate will itself increase
CO2concentrations because it will come
out of solution in the oceans. This is also why
warm temperatures raise rates of carbonate
precipitation. An increase in volcanic activity
will add CO2 to the atmosphere, and
presumably warm the climate. As lime stones get
subducted, their CO2 will be released
into the atmosphere as the subducting slabs melt.
Thus, there is a geological carbon cycle just as a
biological one.
On Ice ages - the
distribution of ice on the continents over the
Earth's history has generally been due to
rearrangements of continental positions. Anything
that cuts off pole-equator circulation will create
ice. A continent over the pole is ideal for this:
Antarctica has been ice-covered for fifteen
million years, and there is really no way that any
amount of global warming, short of a vast increase
in solar intensity (such as has never happened),
would be able to melt the entire Antarctic ice
sheet. In the Northern Hemisphere, there is an
ocean over the pole, but North America and Eurasia
are both drifting northward and in doing so
cutting off the Arctic Ocean. At present, the
Earth is in a marginal state, such that small
changes in the shape of the Earth's orbit (aka
Milankovitch cycles) can change whether there is
ice on the northern continents or not. According
to some models, CO2 emissions might
affect this, and prevent the next ice age
(although not the following one - CO2
does get removed from the atmosphere geologically,
after all). The model in question however does not
take into account the fact that the continents are
still drifting north; as a consequence of that,
every successive ice age has been a little bit
deeper. There have been twenty so far, since we
entered this meta-stable state 1.81 million years
ago, the Pliocene-Pleistocene boundary. At some
point, the Arctic Ocean will be sufficiently cut
off that the Northern Hemisphere will go into a
permanent ice age, just as Antarctica has. This
will not, of course, mean that all of North
America will go under the ice, just as southern
South America, Africa, and Australia, are ice-free
today (except in the mountains, of
As for human remediation of
greenhouse gas emissions, it is possible that we
have already set in mot Click Here to return to the search form.