Answer 1:
When I first started learning about chemistry, I
played many of the same word games--every field in
science has its own language, and way of
communicating ideas. Chemistry, in particular, has
worked hard for over a hundred years trying to
systemize chemical names so that concepts can be
clearly communicated among the academic community.
The major thrust of this effort is the
International Union for Pure and Applied Chemistry
(IUPAC), which has been working to standardize
chemical terms since 1919.
The naming of
ionic compounds follows the rules you're alluding
to in your question. But that's not the only
naming convention around! When we talk about the
chemistry of carbon-- organic chemistry we use a
different set of names to simplify our
Moreover, carbon is rarely
stable as an ion-- with a positive or negative
charge. Very unique chemical structures exist to
generate carbanions (negative carbons) and
carbocat ions (positive carbons). But when two
carbons interact,they almost always do so in a
covalent bonding fashion, forming long-term bonds
together, rather than through electrostatics
(positive and negative ion
Carbon is usually found
bound to 4 hydrogens, CH4. In organic
chemistry, this is called methane. If two
methanes combine, two hydrogen atoms will be
released, leaving C2H4 Hope
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