If cockroaches can withstand extreme radiation,
then why is it that they can't live through
certain pest spray?
Question Date: 2007-03-01 | | Answer 1:
That's a really question that had never occurred
to me before. Fortunately it had occurred to Dr.
Joseph Kunkel, who is a professor at the
University of Massachusetts. He has a webpage
listing pretty much everything you would want to
know about cockroaches:
Kunkel's answer to your question has to do with
the way radiation actually kills things: it
damages DNA. Apparently cells are most sensitive
to having their DNA damaged by radiation when they
are in the process of dividing. This is why
radiation is used to treat tumors. Tumor cells
are dividing rapidly, so they are more sensitive
to radiation than the non-tumor cells surrounding
them. Radiation will damage the DNA of
non-dividing cells, too, but those cells can often
repair the damage before it is time for them to
divide.OK, so radiation is especially bad for
dividing cells. Humans (and most other
vertebrates) have lots of cells that are dividing
all the time, especially in the bone marrow where
blood cells are made. These cells get zapped when
humans are exposed to radiation, which is why
victims of nuclear accidents often die of bone
marrow diseases. But cockroaches (and insects in
general) only go through cell division every once
in a while. Insect cells divide right before the
insect molts its exoskeleton, but otherwise the
cells aren't dividing at all. So if you pick up a
random cockroach and expose it to radiation,
chances are none of its cells are dividing and it
will survive the radiation. If lots of
cockroaches get irradiated, the ones that die are
probably the ones that were undergoing cell
division at the time. This isn't just true for
cockroaches -- a number of different insect
species have been exposed to radiation in the lab,
and they all had very high survival rates.
Unfortunately for cockroaches, but
fortunately for the Orkin pest-control man,
cockroaches don't have a similar advantage when it
comes to pesticide. A lot of the pesticides used
on cockroaches are neurotoxic, meaning they
interfere with the transmission of nerve impulses.
Cockroaches might not undergo cell division very
often, but like all animals they are constantly
using their nervous system. So when pesticides
inhibit their nervous system, they die fairly
quickly. Thanks for asking an interesting question! | | Answer 2:
Even though cockroaches sound invincible, there is
no such thing as a "super-organism" which is
immune to all toxins. Insecticides work because
scientists have carefully formulated these
pesticides to cause damage to roaches in
particular. For example, some insecticides are
called "growth regulators," because scientists
have created them to interfere with the cockroach
hormones which control molting. Basically, these
insecticides prevent roaches from turning into
adults; therefore, they can't breed and produce
new roaches. Because there are a number of
different roach species, scientists have had to
determine the best way to kill each different
species. See the UC IPM website for more
scientists think that roaches may be able to
survive extreme radiation because their cells
divide less rapidly than humans, so they are less
susceptible to cancer. However, some scientists
think that roaches are just as vulnerable to
radiation as humans are. See the paragraph at the
bottom of this webpage for more details:howstuffworks | | Answer 3:
It does seem odd that a little spray from a can
could cause more damage than radiation. Actually
cockroaches are hurt by radiation; it just takes
more of it.
Pest sprays often target
particular chemicals, called enzymes that are
vital to life. All living things need enzymes,
but not exactly the same ones. For example, some
pesticides attack the enzymes that help insects
maintain their "shells" or exoskeletons. Since we
don't have exoskeletons, these don't bother us
much. (We have endoskeletons. Exo=outside,
Radiation poisoning happens
because the DNA in our cells gets messed up.All
living things have DNA, but some animals are more
protected from radiation than others. Animals
with cells that are dividing are the most likely
to be hurt by radiation poisoning. Every time
cells divide, their DNA has to be copied and
divided equally into the new cells. Most of our
cells do this all our lives. Cockroaches have
very few dividing cells after they are adults, so
they aren't as easy to hurt with radiation.
The lining of our gut is being constantly
replaced. Our brain cells almost never divide.
Why do you think some cells divide more than
I wonder if having an exoskeleton
also gives them some protection. You gave me
something interesting to think about. Click Here to return to the search form.
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