Answer 1:
Being a male physicist, this is not my area of
expertise. So I have to defer to someone more
knowledgeable, my wife. It was suggested to me
that perhaps the problem is the lip gloss. Maybe
your mother should look for a lip gloss that is
more waxy vs. greasy. Or perhaps try a product
called "lip polish".
Being an experimenter,
what I would do is collect a variety of lip
glosses of different consistencies and try them
out. Ideally, you, your mother, and as many friends
that you can gather (to assure an adequate sample
group) should try out the different products and
see what works best for each person. Perhaps lip
chemistry or temperature plays a role. Maybe people
with especially hot lips cause inferior lip gloss
products to "feather" and "bleed."
By the
way, if you search on the scienceline web
site( for "lip gloss",
you'll find a very good explanation of what lip
gloss is. Click Here to return to the search form.