I have tried to unify vacuum Buoyancy and
antigravity, maybe from sources like dark energy,
(basically, that dark "stuff" is just a vacuum
that causes antigravity - like the lift in vacuum
buoyancy) is my theory supported by any facts
that you know of, if not, what disproves it?
Question Date: 2007-06-08 | | Answer 1:
I'm not sure what you mean by "vacuum
buoyancy." Were you thinking about the answer at
Newton? newton
There is nothing exotic about vacuum buoyancy as
it's described there. For example, if you have a
submarine filled with air, it will float (be
buoyant) as long as its total weight is less than
the amount of water which would fill the same
volume. Removing the air from the submarine
doesn't change the weight of the submarine much,
maybe a kilogram (a couple of pounds). Density is
what matters most for buoyancy. Hydrogen gas in a
balloon gives almost as much buoyancy in air as a
perfect vacuum would (93%). The vacuum isn't what
causes a submarine or a balloon to be buoyant, but
the pressure of the water around it. | | Answer 2:
For the moment, we don't really have any idea
what dark energy even is, apart from the fact that
the universe seems to be accelerating in its
expansion as if some anti-gravity-like force were
at work. Some theoretical physicists have come up
with some explanations, but there are no data that
I know if to support any of these theories, let
alone a practical application for it. These
theories also will depend upon mathematics that is
far beyond the high school or even the college
level. Click Here to return to the search form.
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