A person carrying a heavy bag normally finds the
impact of the weight differently if he carries it
in different ways. For example if he carries it
by the handle or by a strap on the shoulder or
putting the whole bag on top of his shoulder. Why
is this so (as the weight of the bag is the same
in all the cases)?
Question Date: 2007-09-28 | | Answer 1:
You're right, the weight of the bag remains the
same, so there is no trick of physics here. The
amount of exertion required to carry a particular
weight is generally less when you can let your
skeleton and legs do more of the work. When an
item is directly over your center of gravity
(e.g., a bundle carried on your head or in a bag
that sits high on your shoulders), the weight is
transferred directly onto fairly rigid parts of
your skeleton (spine, hips, legs). Your leg and
back muscles will have to do some work to keep
your skeleton aligned, but not much compared to
the work your arms have to do to hold the same
weight out away from your body. When carrying an
item with your arms, your skeleton is still
supporting the extra weight, but considerable
extra exertion is required from muscles in your
arms and shoulders to transfer upward force out to
the item.
The efficiency you gain by
letting your skeleton rather than your muscles
bear the weight is simple to demonstrate. Try
holding a brick or some other heavy item in your
hand with your arm fully extended away from your
body. After a few minutes you will notice strain
in your arm muscles. Then try moving your arm so
that it is raised vertically, straight up from
your shoulder. The weight is now being supported
more directly by the bones in your arm, and you
should find that far less muscular exertion is
required to hold the brick in that position. | | Answer 2:
The reason why it feels different despite having
the same weight is due to the fact that torque has
an effect on that amount of applied
The best way to think about it is
that it is not a simple linear support problem.A
rotation problem is involves as well where you try
to keep the object you are carrying from rotating
your arm downwards. And the further out it is,
the harder it is to keep it up. A good way to
think about it is in terms of a lever. If you
give a weight a longer lever arm, it can lift
something heavier due to the rotation effect of
torque. Thats basically why depending on how you
carry an object it will feel different, since it
requires more applied force to prevent rotation.
So carrying objects closer to you is easier. For
instance, you might be able to lift a 70 lb weight
close to your body, but if you try to carry it at
arms length you could find it much more difficult. | | Answer 3:
I once had a question similar to this one which
was answered by my teacher in the form of a
question: "Would you rather have an elephant step
on your hand while wearing a running shoe or a
high heeled shoe?" The answer is mainly due to
the concepts of pressure and surface area. If
the elephant was wearing a running shoe it's
weight would be divided throughout the surface
area of it's shoe which would spread among your
hand. If the elephant was wearing a high-heeled
shoe most of it's weight would be directed down
the heel on a single point of your hand --this
would in turn hurt more.So to address the question
of the bag. If you are holding the bag by a thin
strap it may feel heavier than a wider strap on
your shoulder. But maybe the straps are the
same. So, this question also contains another
element to it in which the rest of your body helps
out. By holding the bag in your had at your
sides the weight of the bag is still pulling down
and you are only able to use the strength in your
arm and hand to hold it. If the bag is hanging
from your shoulder, it hangs down, and is
primarily held up by your shoulder but also your
back, torso, legs, etc. can help in alleviating
the pressure of the heavy bag weighing down.
It's amazing how the elements of the human body
all work together for things we don't often think
about. | | Answer 4:
Mostly this is due to how the weight is
distributed. If you distribute the weight over a
large area, then there is no strong pressure at
any particular point. For example, a strap over
your shoulder covers a lot mroe area than a simple
handle in your hand, so the weight is carried
Another factor to consider is how
much padding (muscle or fat) is under the skin
holding the strap or handle. Bare skin on bone is
easy to pinch or bruise, which is why it's easy to
get a black eye or bruised hand. But skin over
areas of thick muscle or fat has a good cushion,
which again helps distribute the weight over a
larger area, so it's less painful.
The last
factor to consider is your posture. It's hard to
carry weight just from one arm because it always
pulls you to one side. Carrying the weight in a
backpack or on your shoulders helps keep the
weight centered over your spine and hips, so you
don't have to use muscles to keep yourself balanced. | | Answer 5:
Torque: the amount of force required to exert a
rotational acceleration on an object is dependent
upon both the magnitude of the force applied
multiplied by the distance from the center of mass
of the object the force is being applied to. So,
in the case of the bag in your hand, gravity is
pulling you over, so you have to exert more force
to maintain your balance, hence more effort. On
the other hand, if you've got the weight in a
backpack, then it's quite close to your center of
mass, and you can just walk around with it. | | Answer 6:
It is not only the weight or FORCE that makes a
difference, it is the FORCE PER UNIT AREA that is
important. So if you have the weight of a car
and it is resting on a 1 square inch pedestal,
then the Force per unit area called the PRESSURE
will be much higher on that 1 inch square area
than if the pedestal is say 1 foot square.
Basically the weight (force) is spread over a
large area in the latter compared to the former Click Here to return to the search form.
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