Answer 1:
Scientists are really interested in this topic.
The horse you mentioned, Clever Hans, turned out
to be really smart about reading people, he just
couldn't do math. But there are animals that can
do simple math. Alex was an African Gray Parrot
who died this year. He could do simple
arithmetic, adding up to 6. Chimps may be able to
do very simple arithmetic, and several bird
species seem to be able to count eggs or
predators. One test that we animal
behaviorists find important is the mirror
test.Most animals respond to their reflection as
if it were another individual. They may attack it
or just watch it. Eventually, they usually stop
paying attention to the reflection, maybe because
it doesn't do anything interesting. Researchers
wondered if some smart species could actually
recognize themselves in the mirror. They reasoned
that this would show self-awareness in the
animal. But how do you know? You can't
ask, "Hey Bobo, who's that in the mirror?" Well,
I guess you can, but there may be some
communication problems. What researchers did was
to put a dot on the faces of chimps that were
sedated (drugged). Then they watched how the
chimps used the mirrors. They used them to
inspect the dot and other parts of their bodies
that they couldn't normally see. This showed that
the chimp recognized the animal in the mirror as
itself. Monkeys and most gorillas fail this test.
Orangutans and bonobos (pygmy chimps) passed.The
only other non-humans who have passed this test
are bottlenose dolphins. Not every species has
been tested; researchers started with the ones who
seem smartest to humans. Let's be fair, in
some ways we humans are really stupid compared too
ther animals. If a book is on the table I can't
tell who touched it last. Any normal puppy would
figure that out in an instant from the odor on the
book. If it's dark, I run into walls. A bat just
uses sonar to avoid all obstacles. I'd probably
get lost in the desert without a compass while an
insect with a brain smaller than a grain of rice
gets home with no trouble. There are countless
skills and abilities that I lack and some other
animal has. The 9 dimensions you're talking
about aren't like the three dimensions we see
(near/far, up/down, right/left). They're more
like ways of thinking about the world. These
levels aren't scientific concepts,they're more
philosophical. So why aren't all animals as
smart as possible? It's not just about brain
size. Whales are huge, but flunk the mirror test.
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