Answer 1:
It does seem weird that we can't replace nerve
cells that get damaged.The answer is basically
that having nerve cells reproduce can do more harm
than good. Each nerve cell has a specific place
in our nervous system. Its job is all about
taking a signal from one specific place to another
one. Adding new nerve cells would mess up these
very specific connections in a very complex
system. So we trade off the ability to repair our
nerves in order to avoid messing up
connections. We used to think that people
never got new nerve cells, but it turns out that
we get a small number of them around the teen
years. This does seem to make life a bit more
complicated for young people whose brains have to
adjust to the new nerve cells. This is also a
good example of how science is constantly
discovering new information. If we can't add
new nerve cells, how do you think we learn?
Hint:growing and reproducing are
different. Thanks for asking. |
Answer 2:
What a great question! I am guessing based on
your question that you know that most other kinds
of cells do keep reproducing, at least for a
while. This "reproducing" is division of one cell
into two using a process called MITOSIS. As you
might imagine, nerve cells (also called neuronal
cells) are very specialized - they do a very
specific, complicated job in the body. As a
result, their structures are very specialized -
they have a small "cell body" and then long
processes that branch off the to connect with
other neurons or other types of cells such as
muscles. As they become specialized, the cells
devote energy and structures to their "new" jobs
as neuronal cells and they give up the ability to
do other things, such as divide (reproduce, to use
your word). This specialization has a technical
term that we use - we call it "terminal
differentiation." This means that once a cell
commits (makes a vow) to become a neuron, it is
going to do that specialized job and that job only
until it dies off.The cellular "mini-machines"
that are used in mitosis are no longer made, so
the neuron cannot divide. Now here comes some cool
parts - which is why I thought this was such a
great question. First, neurons can live a pretty
long time, but because they are terminally
differentiated and cannot reproduce, it was
thought for many years that as we aged and neurons
died off or as neurons were damaged and killed by
things such as alcohol or drugs, there was no way
to replace them. It turns out, however, that there
are a small number of very specialized cells in
mammalian brains called NEURONAL STEM CELLS that
can actually replace the dead neurons (it still is
not a good idea to damage your cells with drugs or
alcohol though!). Scientists are very interested
in trying to isolate and study these cells so that
they could maybe be used to repair damaged brains
or spinal cords. Second, it is still a mystery HOW
a neuron "turns off" its cell division machinery -
what makes it stop dividing? Scientists are
interested in this question because if we
understood this, we might be able to trick cancer
cells into doing the same thing - stop dividing! Click Here to return to the search form.