Answer 1:
Well, I can imagine two reasons why you might feel like you are going very fast while spinning in a circle, even if you are in reality spinning very slowly. The first reason is visual (with your eyes). If you stand in the middle of a room and spin around once, your eyes have traveled around the whole room in a very short time. If you walked around the perimeter (outside border) of the room looking straight ahead to travel the whole distance, it would take a much longer time. The second reason is balance. Believe it or not, your inner ear is in charge of how your body balances. There is a fluid inside of your inner ear, and spinning around disrupts the fluid and makes you feel off balance. This is why you get dizzy and maybe light-headed or blurry vision when you spin many times, and being off balance can also make you feel like you are going faster than you actually are. Thank you for your question! Click Here to return to the search form.