Answer 1:
It's true that some things are worse for an
older person's health than they are for a younger
person's health. Sometimes the reason that an
older person can't eat candy is because they have
diabetes. Diabetes is when the amount of sugar
in your blood gets too high. It can damage
your eyes and your kidneys and slow down the blood
circulation in your feet and fingers. If it's not
treated it can actually kill you.
Diabetes is really one name for 2 diseases.
One form of diabetes starts making a person sick
when they are very young, even before they're old
enough to go to school. Kids with this disease
have to inject themselves with insulin every day.
There's a second form of diabetes that we used to
think only adults got. Now we see younger and
younger people with this second kind of diabetes.
People with this second kind of diabetes tend to
be overweight, eat a lot of sugar and fat and not
get enough exercise.
So, older people should avoid eating a lot of
candy, but so should kids. What other problems
are caused by eating too much candy? What kinds
of things should you eat? For an answer try
going to the Why
Should schools be allowed to sell sugary