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In physics, when you are pulling an object along with a spring scale, and you are trying to find the static friction, Does the static friction result on how hard you are pulling the object? Is it that the harder you pull the greater the static friction/ the less you pull the less amount of static friction?
Question Date: 2008-12-01
Answer 1:

Before you start pulling on the object, there is only the gravitational force pulling down which is balanced by the normal force exerted by the ground. At this point, there is zero friction force. As you slowly pull the object laterally, a friction force arises which acts in the opposite direction as the pulling force. As you pull harder on the object, in order for the object to remain motionless, the friction force has to also increase. However, there is a maximum friction force Ff which is known to be equal to Ff = s*FN where s is the coefficient of static friction and FN is the normal force. Both the coefficient of static friction and FN are constant values which do not change depending on how hard you pull. This means that once the pulling force exceeds this quantity of s*FN, then there will be a net force acting on the object and from Newton's 2nd law, this will cause the object to start moving.

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