Answer 1:
Matter usually exists in one of three forms:
as a gas, a liquid, or a solid. The difference
between these states is the extant to which the
molecules or atoms of the substance are pressed
close together to interact with each other. If we
think of water vapor (like steam),that's water in
the gas phase-- each molecule of water is
floating around, comparatively far apart from all
other water molecules. In the ideal form of a
gas, there's no interaction between the molecules
at all. When we lower the temperature (which
allows the water molecules to get closer
together), the molecules start interacting with
other molecules, forming transient and temporary
bonds. These inter-molecular interactions hold
the water molecules all close together-- forming a
liquid. But the bonds are temporary and
unstructured, so we can pour a liquid, and the
molecules on top slide right off and into our
glass. If we lower the temperature even further,
the inter-molecular bonds become very ordered and
stable--we start forming a crystalline lattice.
For water molecules, this lattice is one we're
familiar with; we form the solid, ice.
Watermolecules easily stack on top of each other
to form an orderedlattice, and
solidify. Vodka is a mixture of water and
ethanol (usually about 40% ethanol). When we lower
the temperature, the differing sizes, shapes, and
affinities of the water molecules and ethanol
molecules for one another makes them coming
together in an ordered crystalline lattice much
less favorable (in chemistry terms, the freezing
point is depressed). If we continue lowering the
heat, vodka will eventually freeze (depending on
the brand and percentage of ethanol, somewhere
between -15 and -45 degrees Fahrenheit). Most
home freezers will only cool to -10 or -15
degrees, so it can be difficult to freeze
drinkswith a high ethanol content. Click Here to return to the search form.