Answer 1:
Whereas absolute zero corresponds to complete
absence of molecular motion, there is no obvious
analogy with a maximum temperature. Ultimately,
this is largely due to the fact that there are
still unresolved questions about the properties of
matter at very small length scales. The current
model that describes the properties and
interactions of elementary particles, called the
Standard Model, indicates that the maximum
theoretical temperature is approximately 1032
Kelvin. This temperature is called the Planck
temperature, named after the physicist Max Planck.
Its hard to even come up with an analogy for just
how hot this temperature is. For example, the
interior of the Sun is only 107 K. It is believed
that at one point, the temperature of the Universe
was at the Planck temperature. However, this
likely occurred an extremely brief time (10-43
seconds) after the Big Bang when the Universe had
a diameter of only 10-35 meters. No one
has been able to figure out what would even happen
if it was possible to exceed the Planck
temperature. At that point, there are no theories
that describe how matter would behave. Click Here to return to the search form.