How are scientific names developed?
Question Date: 2010-01-02 | | Answer 1:
I am guessing that you mean the names that we
give to organisms when they are first discovered
and described - the Genus, species name? This is
referred to as the "binomial name" and is the end
point of the Biological Classification system. We
always italicize the Genus, species (and
capitalize Genus while leaving the species lower
case). Sometimes you see a third name - the
"epithet" of the species name. There is
quite a bit of history behind the answer to this
naming question, but the short answer is that the
naming is based on a taxonomic system or code
developed by Carl Linneaus in the 1700s. This was
pretty controversial back then. The idea is to
name living things in a way that helps us
"organize" them into related groups (a taxonomy)
based on their forms and traits. Many names are
based on Latin words (sometimes Greek) and often,
the discoverer's name is embedded in the species
name (especially in epithets). Recently, some
newly discovered organisms have been named as a
result of e-bay auctions -- the highest bidder
gets to name the organism! But the names still
tend to follow the "rules" of the Linnean
taxonomy. You can read more about Biological
Classification on a great wiki site: bio_clasifHowever
the question of whether we (scientists) should
continue with the Linnean taxonomic code or adopt
something different is a very hot topic, believe
it or not. The problem with the old Linnean system
is that although the organism's traits and form
usually reveal an evolutionary relationship, this
is not always the case. There was a good
article about the issue in American Scientist in
2006: Attacks on Taxonomy attacks-on-taxonomy Discover
magazine also ran an article that focused more on
the people and the controversy: Pushing Phylocode
Pushing_Phylocode Regardless
of what naming system is eventually used, it is
fun to look up the meanings of the official,
scientific names of organisms. Two of my
favorites are: Theobroma cacao ("food of the
gods") - the cacao tree; Linnaeus himself named
this one (I wonder if he liked chocolate as much
as I do?)Mephitis mephitis ("smelliest of the
smelly") - striped skunk. On the chance that
maybe you also are asking about "naming" in
general, most scientific names tend to be
descriptive, yet still rooted in Latin or Greek.
Names of constellations or nebula, for example. Or
even muscles of the human body (gluteus maximus -
the big, strong muscle that you sit on!;
sartorius, named after Sartor, the Latin tailor -
stretching from the lower groin to the knee, and
most prominent when sitting cross-legged, as
traditional tailors did; and finally, levator
palpebrae superioris alequae nasi, the muscle
whose name is so over the top that it sneers at
all others, because it is the muscle that makes
you lift the end of your lip and
sneer!). Now with all of the genome
projects, scientists are working out ways to give
all these genes "names" that make sense and allow
us to keep track of what is what. Most of the time
there is a letter-number code used. But some
scientists still like to give descriptive names.
For example, there is a gene that was discovered
in the common fruit fly (Drosophila melanogaster)
called Strabismus. When the Strabismus gene is
mutated or missing, the cells in the fly's eyes no
longer align properly, affecting its vision.
Strabismus is Latin (and the medical term) for
.... cross-eyed! | | Answer 2:
Scientific names are very important.Thats how
scientists make sure they are talking about the
same thing. Often, there are several common names
for one species (mountain lion, cougar, puma,
etc.) or people use a common word for a number of
species (there are many species that people
commonly call a mouse). Every species on earth,
whether it is a species of fish, bacteria, fungus,
or tree gets its own scientific name. The basic
system has been around since the 1700s. The rules
for the scientific name are: 1. The
name has two parts; first, the genus name and then
the species or trivial name. If my email comes
through correctly, all of the scientific names are
in italics. In a scientific name, the genus is
capitalized, the specific or trivial name is non
capitalized, and the whole name is underlined or
italicized. 2. The genus name is a noun,
and the species or trivial name is usually an
adjective (a describing word). Ursus arctos
means is the scientific name of the grizzly bear.
Ursus means bear, which is a noun. Of course,
not all grizzly bears live in the Arctic, but
thats still their name because? 3.
Scientific names are based on Latin. Latin is
called a dead language because almost no one uses
it for day-to-day communication. This is handy
because living languages like English, Spanish,
and Hmong, change as people use them. In Latin,
arctos means north. Not all grizzly bears live in
the far north either, but? 4. The first
person to name, describe, and put an example of
the species into a museum gets to name it. The
name only gets changed if scientists learn
something about the species evolutionary history
to make them change the name. So you might not
think that arctos is the best description of a
grizzly, but thats not enough to change their
name. An example of a name that changed is the
American bison. It used to be called Bison bison,
meaning the bison that is the only bison. Then
people recognized that bison and cows can breed
with each other, so they changed the name to Bos
bison, meaning the cow that is a bison, because?
5. If two species can interbreed, they
must be closely related, and so they must be in
the same genus. Sometimes scientists have fun
with naming species. They may honor someone in a
specific name. The cartoonist Gary Larson was
honored in the name of a sucking louse. Ba humbug
is the name of a snail. There is a web site of
funny or unusual scientific names for animals
at: scientific_names
Take a look at scientific names of some species
you know and see if you can figure out what they
mean. Thanks for asking, | | Answer 3:
Scientific names are developed and
re-developed! We keep getting more information,
and that makes some of the old names wrong. For
example, I heard about a plant collection where
they discovered 2 plants were identified as
different species; but it turned out that they
were the same plant, and one of them had some
disease! When I worked at the National Science
Foundation [NSF], one of the program officers told
me the family with dandelions had been changed
from Composites to Asters because the South
Americans called the family Asters. Then another
program officer told me: actually, the whole rest
of the world called the family Asters. And now
with all the new DNA sequences, we understand the
evolutionary relationships between organisms in so
much more detailed. Now there are people who want
to throw out all the scientific names of plants
and animals and other organisms and just give them
numbers. Scientists who work with names of
organisms talk a lot about clades now, which is a
new term. | | Answer 4:
Scientific names are given by the individual
scientists who describe a new organism, and
publish it in the scientific literature. There are
a lot of rules on how to describe an organism,
although they aren't always used and not everybody
agrees with their use. Any published name has to
pass the gauntlet of peer review, which is where
other scientists in the field look at an article
and determine whether or not it is good science
and should be published. | | Answer 5:
The use of scientific names started in the
1700s by Carl Linn (better known as Linnaeus) an
avid botanist. He decided that each unique
organism needed to have a unique scientific name.
Linnaeus developed binomial nomenclature (two
names) for genus and species. Linneus also
specified that each name had to be of Latin or
Greek derivation (the classic languages), that
each organism had to be specifically defined (in
Latin), and published. A very good and reliable
website that goes into much detail can be found
here: sci_names
As for use of scientific names in modern
science, each organism still maintains one
accepted name (of Latin or Greek origin) that has
been fully described (no longer in Latin) and also
now includes genetic and/or lineage relationships.
One big advantage to having specific scientific
names is that scientists from different areas and
languages can interact and know that they are
talking about the same organism. I have many
times used literature written in Chinese (which I
cant read) but containing scientific names written
in Latin (which I can read) and determine if that
publication is of use to me. Or the names are
associated with pictures that can help with
identification. Also, if you talk to different
people common names can vary greatly. One example
is Felix concolor (genus and species are always
either underlined when handwritten or italicized
in print to identify the taxonomic level). The
common name can be puma, mountain lion or cougar
just to name a few. Click Here to return to the search form.
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