Answer 1:
Wikipedia has interesting information about this element. Here you have some of it; I suggest you to read about this element by clicking on the links below. Meitnerium is a chemical element which was first produced by Peter Armbruster, Gottfried Mnzenber and their team working at the Gesellschaft fr Schwerionenforschung in Darmstadt, Germany in 1982. Meitneriums symbol is Mt and atomic number 109. It is placed as the heaviest member of group 9 (or VIII) in the periodic table but a sufficiently stable isotope is not known at this time which would allow chemical experiments to confirm its position, unlike its lighter neighbors. Armbruster and Karmstadt bombarded atoms of bismuth-209 with ions of iron-58 with a device known as a linear accelerator. This produced atoms of meitnerium-266, an isotope with a half-life of about 3.8 milliseconds (0.0038 seconds), and a free neutron. The heaviest and the most stable isotope known is Mt-278, with a half-life of ~8 s. Since only small amounts of Meitnerium have ever been produced, it currently has no uses outside of basic scientific research. meitnerium element-education Click Here to return to the search form.