Answer 2:
At the beach, waves come in, and if you stand up close, the water and the sand make a wavy line, where the water comes a few inches farther onto the beach in some places and a few inches less far onto the beach in other places. If you stand a little bit away from the water, you can see there are places where the water comes a few feet farther up the beach and places where the water comes a few feet less far onto the beach. If you stand away from the water even more, you can see places where the waves come a few yards farther up the beach and places where the water comes a few yards less far onto the beach. If you go up in an airplane and fly along the coast, you can see places where the water comes a few miles farther in at the edge of the land and you can see places where the water is a few miles farther away, because the land sticks out into the ocean. Best wishes, Click Here to return to the search form.