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Can you guys take a look at the formulas given click here to see to calculate how strong a gravitational field would have to be to stop and reverse time? I need to know if this is a real formula, and if the claims made (that time stops at the event horizon, etc.) on the website are valid. Thank you so much for your help! Best Regards,
Question Date: 2011-06-10
Answer 1:

You are right to question how scientific things are on the web, such as the montalk.net site.

Indeed, "my Scalar Superpotential Theory " raises a red flag about the site.

I googled montalk.net and found these hits that are Not montalk.net sites. #4, with freewill and fate in it, there are certainly subjects that are outside of realistic scientific investigation at present.

1. Montalk.net Disclaimer
In specific, during the past two years, we have developed a mutually supporting relationship with the owner of the montalk.net site. ...www.cassiopaea.org/cass/montalk_hist.htm - Cached

2. Montalk
Other Interesting Writers Posted at Montalk.net. Overcoming Matrix Control System Limitations By Carissa Conti (May 16, 2004) ...educate-yourself.org/mnt/index.shtml - Cached - Similar

3. Montalk.net

Answer 2:

Self Mastery
montalk.net 20 July 04 Matrix:Reloaded explores freewill, fate, and causality, three themes that may formulate the very basis of existence. ...masteryofself.wordpress.com/category/montalk-net/ - Cached

5. www.Montalk.net
Montalk.net has a rank of 254076 in United States, with an estimated 27720 monthly visitors. Click to view further details of it's valuation report.webinformation.co/www.montalk.net - Canada - Cached

Answer 3:

Powerful gravitational fields will not reverse time; time becomes imaginary if you go past the zero limit. I have to say I don't really understand what it means that time actually stops at the event horizon, because an observer falling into a black hole does not come to an end of time at the event horizon, but at the singularity. I'm guessing what this means is that an external observer notices time stopping at the event horizon in terms of the frequencies of light that it is emitting - anything at or inside of the event horizon is redshifted into infinity, which is equivalent to observing time stopping for the light source (in other words, this is why black holes are black).

Note: I think what the observer falling into the black hole may notice is that the imaginary time inside of the black hole seems, for someone experiencing it, identical to the real time outside of the event horizon. But I do know that the observer's experience does not end with the event horizon itself - he just can't communicate what he sees to anybody outside anymore.

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