Answer 1:
It first must be noted that the hypothesis of
mantle plumes is not universally accepted and
everything we know about it is hypothetical and
used to explain volcanic regions that cant be
explained by plate tectonics. For example, the
islands of Hawaii were created (and are still
being created) by an active volcano that lies
far from tectonic plate boundaries. So how did
they get there? The mantle plume theory is a way
of explaining this. According to this theory,
convection in the mantle transports heat from
the center of the Earth (the core) to the Earths
surface in thermal diapirs. Mantle plumes carry
heat upward in narrow, rising columns as a
result of heat exchange across the core-mantle
boundary (the core is much hotter than the
mantle and this temperature difference causes a
lot of energy to be released up through the
mantle plume). The entire structure is actually
thought to resemble something more like a
mushroom than a column, with a long, thin
channel connecting the top of the plume to its
base, and a bulbous head that expands in size as
the plume rises. So the plume is narrow only
through the middle because the hot material
moves upward through the channel faster than the
main larger part of the plume. Click Here to return to the search form.