Why is the sky blue when you look up, but a bluish-white on the horizon?
Question Date: 1998-03-09 |
Answer 1:
The sky is blue because blue light is scattered by the atmosphere much more than red light. Why do you think the sun looks more reddish when it is low in the sky than when it is higher in the sky? What could be different about looking out at the horizon that would make the sky look more blue-white?
Answer 2:
Good question. I'll give you two hints, and let you figure out the answer.
First hint: what in the sky looks white? Is the atmosphere really perfectly transparent?
Second hint: how much atmosphere are you looking through when you look straight up, and how much are you looking through when you look toward the horizon?
Answer 3:
To learn more, check out this web site: http://www.sciencemadesimple.com/sky_blue.html Click Here to return to the search form.