We've been studying the planets in my science
class. I read this article in the Time magazine
(March 1998), that there might be water on one of
Jupiter's moons, Europa. I think that the title
of the article is misleading "Aliens in a Slushy
Sea". They say ice that they found may mean some
liquid under the ice layer. My reading of the
article tells me that they are trying to make us
think that there may be water on this moon. I
find that hard to believe! Couldn't the ice that
they found be frozen Carbon dioxide and not
water? Do you have any more info. on the subject?
Question Date: 1998-05-27 | | Answer 1:
You ask three good questions, which the Time
article didn't handle very well. We think Europa
is covered with ice not just because it looks that
way, but because the spectrum of the light
reflected indicates a surface of nearly 100% water
ice. Different frequencies (of both visible and
invisible light) reflect differently depending on
the reflecting material, and when you can park a
spacecraft (Galileo) with such a spectrometer 200
miles above the moon, you can take very accurate
As for liquid water, we really
haven't seen any yet. But we did notice that the
patterns of cracking and drifting floes of Europa
ice look exactly like ice floes in the arctic
ocean and off the coast of antarctica, leading us
to believe that the ice is about as thick there as
at the north pole. but how thick is that? and do
you think that if we landed a drilling spacecraft
on Europa it could dig deep enough to hit liquid
Finally, you raise the point that
the media gets excited about anything NASA says
that hints at extraterrestrial life. Why? Because
it sells magazines. The best I can suggest is
that you look at the data yourself and draw your
own conclusions:
| | Answer 2:
A very good question. However, some preliminaries
-- water (H2O) is a simple compound of
very common atoms, thus it joins methane
(CH4), Ammonia (NH3),
Carbon Dioxide (CO2), pure hydrogen
(H2) and Helium (He) as likely one of
the most common molecules in the universe. In the
inner solar system, most of these materials are
heated to their vaporization point and thus cannot
be trapped by small planets or moons. However,
Jupiter is about 6 times as far from the sun as
the earth and so gets about 36x less light and
heat per area, so it is usually much colder. It is
not so unlikely that Europa has a layer of ice
(and frozen CO2), but not methane or
ammonia since these common materials should be
effectively solid at the local
temperature. However, there is another effect
going on-- Europa and Io are both very close to
Jupiter. So close, that opposite sides of the
moons are pulled by differing amounts by Jupiter's
gravity. This means that as the moons rotate,
there is a great deal of friction as the planet is
stretched on different axes. On Io which is
closer to Jupiter, the friction is so great that
sulfur is molten on the surface from volcanoes --
over 800 degrees Fahrenheit. The effect at Europa
is smaller as it is farther away, but there is a
possibility that enough heat is present to melt
the layers of ice and other materials within the
moon's surface. (The surface would still be very
cold unless you happen to be next to a vent to the
interior). If this were true, then the "surface"
of Europa would be a layer of ice floating on a
sea of water or slush since heavier materials
would sink to the bottom, and ice floats on water.
All this is hypothetical, except that the surface
of Europa is very smooth (very small cratering)
and seems to be covered with cracks -- which one
would expect from suspended ice sheets. Also it
has been known for many years that the surface of
europa is very bright -- reflecting a larger
percentage of the light from the sun than any
other planet or moon. This also jibes with an ice
surface coating.
There may be small amounts
of frozen CO2 on the surface, but you
can't have frozen CO2 on liquid
CO2 (or many other compounds) since
nearly all simple molecules freeze to materials
which are more dense than their liquid forms-- so
would sink.
On the other hand, there is no
evidence for life in such an environment -- unless
you count the vent bacteria and life forms (tube
worms and crabs) at the bottom of the sea.
There are several places to look for more
information, -- you might start at the JPL web
site for the galileo probe:
| | Answer 3:
Astronomers are pretty sure that Europa's surface
is covered with water ice. Here's how they
figured that out: You can see Europa from earth
because it is illuminated by the Sun. The
sunlight is reflected from Europa's surface, and
we see some of that reflected light in
ground-based telescopes. By examining that
reflected light in detail, you can get an idea of
what kind of stuff is doing the reflecting -
whether it's rocks, water ice, ammonia ice,
etc. If you've ever put sunlight through a
prism, you've seen that it contains the whole
spectrum of visible light, from red to violet.
You are able to see an object because light
reflects off of it and into your eye. However,
when sunlight reflects off of the object, not all
colors are reflected equally well. Some colors
are absorbed by the object, while others are
reflected. So the light you see coming from this
object looks different from sunlight, because some
of the colors that were originally in the sunlight
are now missing. This is why the things we see
have various colors - they each reflect the
different colors of light in their own way. To
use the technical terms, this pattern of strength
of reflection versus color of light is called a
reflectance spectrum. By looking at the
reflectance spectrum of some unknown object and
comparing it to the spectra of known substances,
you can get an idea what the unknown object is
made up of. This is basically how it was
determined that Europa is covered with water ice.
The main difference was that instead of looking
at visible light, they looked at infrared light,
which the human eye cannot see. [ Here's the
reference: Pilcher, Ridgway, McCord, Science, Vol.
178, p.1087 (1972). ] Using an earth-based
telescope, they measured the reflectance spectrum
of infrared light from Europa. This spectrum
was compared to the reflectance spectrum of
water frost, which can be conveniently measured
right here on earth. Since these two spectra
match pretty well, it seems very likely that it is
water ice (or frost) which covers Europa's
surface. The paper referenced above was short
and it didn't specifically mention the possibility
that Europa is covered in frozen CO2
instead of frozen water. In order to rule out
frozen CO2, one would have to show that
the reflectance spectrum of Europa matches that of
frozen water better than it matches that of frozen
CO2. My guess is that this has been
done, and that the authors simply didn't have
enough space to mention it in their paper. I did
see another paper, from 1970, in which the
reflectance spectrum of Saturn's rings was
examined. A different research group had measured
the spectrum and had concluded that Saturn's rings
contained frozen ammonia, but the authors of this
paper [ Pilcher, Chapman, Lebofsky, Kieffer,
Science, Vol. 167, p. 1372 (1970) ] showed that
frozen water was actually a better match than
frozen ammonia. So you see, it's hard to be
certain! As for the presence of liquid water
below the ice on Europa, this is still undecided.
The mere presence of ice on the surface doesn't
necessarily mean that there's liquid water
underneath. It is possible that Europa is so cold
that all the water is frozen. However, photos
from the Galileo spacecraft now orbiting Jupiter
give some evidence that there may have been
liquid water under the surface at some time,
perhaps in the past or perhaps even now. If
you're interested in learning more about the
Galileo mission, and what has been learned about
Jupiter and its moons, there's a lot of
information on JPL's website:
www.jpl.nasa.gov/galileo . | | Answer 4:
Everyone believes that there is a layer of ice on
Europa because when looking at the highly
reflective surface of Europa with an infrared
telescope you see a strong signature of water.
Frozen carbon dioxide would give a different
looking signal. Normally, any water on the
surface of Europa should freeze solid because it
is so cold there. But there could be some
activity under the surface that is keeping the
water warm enough to not freeze. What do you
think could keep the water warm? Think about
similar things you might have heard of occurring
in the ocean deeps here on Earth. Can you think
of a mechanism that could supply the energy to
keep the water warm? What keeps the volcanoes
going on Io?
The evidence for water below
the ice is circumstantial. There are features on
the ice that make it look like there is water
slush underneath. I suggest looking at the latest
stuff from Galileo on the JPL web page:
http://www.jpl.nasa.gov/galileo. They do a much
better job talking about it than I could.
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