My partner has a Nintendo 64 and I have a
Playstation. So we decided to do our science
project on memory-cards . We wanted to know how
they are flawlessly working and how they can
store so much memory if they are only about 3
inches in length .
Question Date: 1998-09-23 | | Answer 1:
You actually have several questions here -- I'll
reiterate them: 1. How does semiconductor
memory work? 2. How can it be so
reliable? 3. How can it be so dense?
semiconductor memory is based on storage of charge
(i.e. packing some electrons into a small region).
If you think about any mechanism for memory, you
need some way to write it, some way to read it and
hopefully, a mechanism to sort the memory. It
might sound strange, but most of the work of
constructing a memory is in making a way to
communicate to the stored information. Memory
storage is divided into two regimes based on the
time of retention. Memory that has short retention
(say 0.02 Sec) might be cheaper to build, but it
requires constant updating to keep it valid. Long
retention memory is called static, and has
retention times measured in years. A further
distinction is made depending on whether the
circuit must be on for the memory to be retained.
So BIOS memory (which boots your PC) is typically
non-volatile so turning the power off doesn`t
clear it. The main memory in your PC (or Sega)
will be DRAM (0.02 Sec retention Dram) while
high-speed cache will be volatile static
You question was how does it work
-- I will describe DRAM since it is simple in
principle. Other types share some similarity. In a
DRAM, each bit of data is stored in a cell --
which is just a charge storage device (a
capacitor); the capacitors are arranged into lines
that are read or written all at once and the
lines are arranged into planes which make a dense
arrangement of the cells. Data for a particular
address decodes a single line and every bit on
that line is read simultaneously. In older
memories, there were about 32 rows and 32 columns
-- so you could store 1024 bits; in more modern
memories 512x512 arrays are not uncommon, and
several such planes sit side by side on the chip.
Effectively, the tiny amount of charge stored in
each cell on the line being read is used to
generate the output value-- which is then written
back to the cell (the write-back is called
refresh). Each of the cells loses charge due to
leakage-- which is why we have to refresh all the
The storage is reliable for two
reasons -- the first is that the technology for
making chips has been improved to staggering
levels. Part of the reliability is simply due to
the near perfection of the memory. The second
reason is error codes. This trick is based on
having several copies of the information so that
voting is possible. This can be done surprisingly
cheaply-- i.e. adding only 6 bits makes 32 data
safe for any single bit change.
The density
issue is also spawned by the improving technology
-- current technology makes transistors and wires
smaller than single visible light wavelengths-- so
they can't be seen in even the best optical
microscopes. This makes the charge storage small
as well-- but this is offest by the smaller
amplifiers needed to regenerate the data.
hope this is helpful -- you have asked a very big
question. If you would like more detail or
references for a particular part -- write back to
| | Answer 2:
It's probably far more technical than you want,
but for what it's worth, there was an article on
Ferroelectric memories ('smart cards') in a recent
Physics Today magazine. Aucciello, Orlando,
James F. Scott and Ramamoorthy Ramesh, "The
Physics of Ferroelectric Memories", _Physics
Today_, vol. 51, no. 7, pp.22-27, July 1998.
| | Answer 3:
The memory cards in your Nintendos are
microelectronic devices; you could look up
microelectronics in an encyclopedia, or in a
science magazine like Discovery or National
Geographic. Your library might even have a book on
it. Basically it works by having tiny electrical
circuits which control the flow of electricity
into the computer (or play station). For example,
when you advance to a new board, and the
playstation needs to draw the scenery for the new
board, it sends a specific electrical signal to
the memory card. The memory card has electrical
signals stored in it which can describe all the
scenes to the computer (the same way a videotape
has electrical or magnetic signals stored which
describe to your VCR what images to show on the
TV). When the memory card gets a signal asking for
a specific scene, it sends its stored signals
describing that scene to the play station. The
electrical signals themselves are stored as
patterns of static electricity in the memory
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