Answer 1:
A mass dampener is used to interrupt
resonant waves in a structure. If some sort of
disturbance (weather, earthquake, or other
vibrations) causes a bridge or building to start
vibrating at the right frequency, the structure
will resonate, meaning that the vibration will
build until the structure literally tears itself
apart. Engineers have learned over time, mostly by
trial and error, how to build bridges and
buildings that (usually) don't shake themselves
apart. There are a variety of techniques that are
used to keep buildings from resonating which you
can read about in the links below.
One experiment you can try at home: next time
you are taking a bath, try making some waves by
pushing on the surface of the water. If you push
continuously at the correct frequency you should
eventually be able to make a good sized wave with
very little effort. This is resonance. If you stop
pushing or start at different rhythm, the wave
should go away. Don't flood the bathroom! This
effect can also be seen if you shake a vertical
pole (such as a tether ball pole or basketball
hoop) at the correct frequency. Please don't
break anything. :-)
For detailed information see:
smart structure
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