Answer 1:
Wow, that's an interesting question. I would
think that as soon as the lava has cooled enough
for someone to build on it the island would be
habitable by people. This could be only a few
years or less. For other life to live on it, like
moss and grass, flowers and wild animals a soil
layer would probably have to form first. This
could take many decades.
Answer 2:
Short answer: not long at all! The big island of
Hawaii is still a volcano, and is still growing,
and people actually live on it. In fact, whole
towns have been wiped out by sudden changes in
lava flow. The big island of Hawaii is unique as
far as volcanic islands go, however. There are
parts of the island that are 4 million years old
and other parts that are less than a day old. This
is why people can live on it even though it is
still being formed. If the whole island were
covered by cooled lava (solid rock), then there
would be no soil for plants to grow, which would
mean that whoever lived there would have to import
all their food. Recently formed lava is very
porous (has lots of holes formed by bubbles
trapped in the lava as it cools), and so rainwater
tends to flow right through lava, rather than
remaining on the surface. This would make it hard
to find a large supply of drinking water on a
recently-formed island. Soil and older lava rock
(in which minerals have plugged up the holes) is
much better at trapping water. So the long answer
to your question is that the length of time it
would take for a volcanic island to become
habitable is the time it would take for the rock
to weather and form soil and for plants and
animals to colonize the island. Weathering
processes (rainfall, temperature changes) and
certain plants (lichen) play an important part in
soil formation by helping to erode the rock,
making it weaker and more likely to break it into
smaller pieces. But this is only the first step in
soil formation. Lichens and certain bacteria are
also important because they increase the fertility
of new soils by making nitrogen more available to
plants. (Nitrogen is required for plant growth.)
Plant seeds would have to be carried to the island
somehow (for Hawaii, wind and water probably
brought the initial seeds). Because of the harsh
conditions (no shade, little nitrogen, coarse
soil), the first types of plants to survive would
be weeds, which are usually not edible. However,
palm trees can also tolerate rocky, sandy soils,
and their seeds are carried long distances by
water. Palm trees would help provide building
materials and food. Plants that produce fruits
have flowers and so require pollinators. Although
some plants are pollinated by wind, it is likely
that a few insects and bird species would be
necessary to get a variety of fruits for eating.
However, once the insects and birds arrive, they
can carry seeds from nearby islands and help
increase the diversity of plant life. Where do you
think humans living on this island might find
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