Answer 1:
I don't know exactly how they work, but I think I
know what the basic idea is. One part of the
scanner shines a light over every part of
a picture. Then another part of the scanner
measures the light that is reflected back from
the picture. White light is a combination of
all colors of light. Depending on the color of
a part of a picture, some light is absorbed by
the picture, and some is reflected by the
picture. In this way, the part of the scanner
that measures what is reflected back, can
determine what color that part of the picture was.
Then it tells the computer to remember what
the color of each part of the picture was. |
Answer 2:
Scanners work in much the same manner as copy
machines.As you may have already noticed, when you
put something on the scanner bed, a light bar
moves across the object being scanned. The light
is reflected off the scanned object to varying
degrees. Darker colors absorb more light than
lighter colors do (just like how black shirts
absorb more sunlight and get hotter than white
shirts). The reflected light, which is now
composed of light of varying intensities, then
hits a grid composed of thousands of cells. Each
cell records the intensity of light that hits it
by assigning it a number according to that
intensity. The values recorded by all the cells
can then be organized by the computer to reproduce
the original object. Click Here to return to the search form.