Viruses fascinate me. How is that they are not
living organisms? Do you have an idea how did
they evolve from other organisms? I was
thinking that they probably evolved from the
mitochondria, is it possible? |
Question Date: 2012-05-02 | | Answer 1:
Viruses are not classified as being alive
because they don’t have their own machinery for
reproducing. They can only take over the
machinery of cells, turning them into virus
factories. But not everyone agrees with this
system. Someone might say, “Hey, parasites need
to reproduce inside other organisms, but they’re
alive.” That would be a reasonable argument for
saying that viruses are a form of life.
I tell my students that people like to make nice
neat categories, but the natural world almost
never fits into them. Putting things into
categories can be helpful, but we have to
remember that the categories are usually
artificial and should not get in the way of
understanding all of the amazing diversity of
the world.
I’m really impressed that you thought about
the mitochondria as a possible ancestor for
viruses. They best story we have today is that
mitochondria were once free-living bacteria.
Did viruses evolve from bacteria? Maybe. It is
difficult to say because it may have happened 3
billion years ago, and DNA just doesn’t last
that long. Viruses don’t seem to fossilize well,
either. Since bacteria were around before the
cells that we call “eukaryotic” (plant, animal,
fungal, and protist cells), that may be what
happened. Some scientists think that different
groups of viruses evolved independently, maybe
some even came from eukaryotic cells, and some
from bacterial cells.
If viruses are basically parasites that
evolved from living bacteria, would that be
another argument for saying that they are a type
of life?
We still know very little about viruses and
bacteria, compared to what we know about
multicellular organisms. You may want to
consider a career in microbiology if you want to
explore them.
Thanks for asking,
| | Answer 2:
Viruses fascinate me too, so I actually wrote
an article all about them. Feel free to check
it out here:
viruses origins
I think it will answer your questions (and
maybe raise some more!). There's actually a lot
of debate over whether they are "alive" or not,
and some scientists think that we might have
evolved from viruses, or something like them!
Viruses have definitely been around for a very
long time. See the article for more
| | Answer 3:
Viruses are not considered "alive" because
they lack many of the properties that scientists
associate with living organisms. Primarily, they
lack the ability to reproduce without the aid of
a host cell, and don't use the typical cell-
division approach to replication. Essentially,
however, this is just how scientists have
defined the word. If viruses were classified as
living, other types of self-replicating genes,
proteins, and molecules would make the list as
There are a few theories on the origin of
viruses. Since there is no historical record of
the earliest viruses, the only evidence
available is from current species. Indeed, one
theory suggests that viruses may have arisen
from parasitic cells which lost their cellular
structure through evolution. However, there
isn't a lot of evidence from current cells that
shows this type of transition is possible.
Another theory is that they evolved along with
living cells, from genes or proteins that
happened to be self-replicating. It would seem
that since the spectrum of viruses around today
is so wide, they likely evolved through many
different pathways.
| | Answer 4:
Yes, viruses are interesting. Viruses don't
fit the definition of life, but they're
certainly not dead either! They're an
interesting example of how we can't really
separate stuff into 2 simple categories - Living
and Non-living. Viruses seem to be in between
those 2 categories.
And the question gets even more interesting
when scientists talk about life on other
planets, because this might be very different
from life on earth. They call it "Life as we
Don't know it."
Some scientists are still debating about What
is Life? In fact, I wrote a little article
about it last fall, for a collection of journal
articles all about that subject.
I think viruses probably evolved from simple
cells such as bacteria and archaea that don't
have a nucleus. Keep asking questions!
Best wishes,
| | Answer 5:
Excellent, viruses ARE fascinating! A virus
particle is made up of 2 main parts: genetic
material (either RNA or DNA) and a coat that is
made up of protein and sometimes lipids (fats)
that protect the genetic material. A virus can
live outside of a host cell but it can not
reproduce without a host!
Scientists argue a lot about whether viruses
are in fact living organisms or just organic
structures interacting with living organisms.
Some properties of viruses make them seem alive
like the fact that they have genetic material
and that they make copies of themselves to
reproduce. On the other hand, people will argue
that viruses do not have any structure to their
cells (which even simple living organisms have),
they do not have the ability to make their own
chemical products and need a host cell to do
that for them and that is why they can not
reproduce without a host cell. This debate is
not going to be settled anytime soon, but you
can decide for yourself whether you think
viruses are living or not!
Where viruses originated is also something
that scientists disagree about. There are 3 main
ideas for how viruses evolved in the first
place. 1) Viruses could have started out as
bacteria and just lost all the genes they needed
to survive on their own. 2) Viruses could have
begun as small pieces of genetic material that
escaped from a larger organism and infected
another. 3) Viruses simply started out as
viruses when proteins and genetic material mixed
and that these particles have been living this
way (infecting living cells to replicate) for
billions of years, ever since life itself began.
Viruses do not form fossils, which makes it
really hard for scientists to determine where
exactly they came from.
For some more information on viruses, check
out these two links:
| | Answer 6:
Viruses are very strange organisms. They
are not really considered to be living
creatures. This is because they are not capable
of replicating themselves on their own. Viruses
need to infect another cell in order to
replicate. This is because they do not have all
the genes necessary for replication. Viruses are
made up of their genetic material and a few
proteins, which is encapsulated in a protein
coat. They attach to a living cell and inject
their nucleic acids (and sometimes release their
proteins as well) into a cell. The viral nucleic
acids then takes over the cell's own proteins
and makes the cell replicate the viral genetic
material. Once the virus has replicated its
genome and made the proteins for its coat, it
will assemble and then cause its host cell to
burst open. This releases a new set of viruses
to infect other cells.
Thus, without another living cell, viruses
cannot replicate and spread.
The evolutionary origin of viruses is
something that is unknown. It is possible that
viruses were actually cellular organisms once,
which became adapted to an intracellular life
style. This is similar to how mitochondria are
believed to have evolved. However, it is
unlikely that viruses evolved directly from
mitochondria. Viruses were likely around long
before mitochondria existed. Another theory is
that viruses originated from genetic material
that co-evolved with cellular organisms to
become separate from the cellular genome and
eventually became more complex, resulting in the
virus particles we know today.
| | Answer 7:
Viruses lack the cellular machinery to be
able to reproduce themselves; without using the
genetic code of a cell as their host, the
genetic information contained within a virus is
meaningless. An analogy I could make is that
viruses are basically software, and software
requires hardware (in this case, a cell) to run
on. For this reason, most definitions of life do
not identify viruses as living organisms,
because they aren't actually *organisms*.
This said, viruses do possess a lot of life-
like qualities, including the ability to carry
information, reproduce (with help), and evolve
under natural selection. Saying that viruses
aren't living in some sense is also missing the
Viruses are strands of DNA or RNA contained
within protein sheathes and seem to be
genetically related to the organisms that they
infect, as if they evolved from their hosts'
genomes. This means that viruses probably
evolved multiple times from different ancestors.
I don't know of any viruses thought to have
evolved from mitochondria, or that can even
infect mitochondria, but I see no reason why it
isn't possible that some could have.
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