Answer 1:
That is an excellent question, and while I
can not answer for certain, I will speculate as
to a few reasons why we do not use another type
of fuel.
Modern cars are already designed and
optimized for petroleum based fuel. Switching
fuel might mean redesigning the entire engine,
fuel supply, exhaust system, etc. The new fuel
might not be compatible with currently owned
vehicles, so switching would require everyone to
replace their car, which would be very
expensive. It might also require modifications
to all gas stations for how to store and
distribute the new fuel. Essentially switching
fuel would require a large and expensive upset
of the status quo.
While petroleum products are in limited
supply, the shortage is not really significantly
affecting us yet (yes, people complain about gas
prices, but they still keep buying it), so there
is very little economic incentive to switch. Gas
and oil can still be produced very cheaply
relative to other fuels, so people keep using
them. Also, oil companies are still making huge
profits and therefore will continue to promote
cars that use petroleum products.
Another issue is: what fuel would we switch
to? What is more abundant, cheaper to obtain,
easier and safer to store, and at least as
efficient, etc? It seems that biofuels and
hydrogen are the two most likely candidates, but
they are having trouble disrupting the dominant
industry. Biofuels have the potential advantage
of being compatible with already existing
vehicles, but are still expensive to make and
have their own set of environmental issues.
Hydrogen fuel requires a complete re-design of
cars and gas stations, not to mention we do not
yet have a good way to cheaply mass produce
Getting away from oil is more difficult than
simply finding a better fuel. That new fuel
needs to be significantly better and cheaper and
its use needs to be easy to implement, because
displacing oil requires disrupting a well
established system.
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