How many elements are there in the known
universe? |
Question Date: 2012-08-27 | | Answer 1:
So far we have identified ~118 chemical
elements (four of them are still not officially
recognized). Only the first 98 are known to
occur naturally on earth, the rest have been
made synthetically. About 32 of them occur on
earth as pure elements, and the rest occur in
combinations in compounds. Only 80 of the
elements are stable. (An unstable element
undergoes radioactive decay to form a lighter,
stable element). The largest elements are
created by smashing two smaller elements
together at extremely high energies by using a
particle accelerator. The resulting new elements
are typically very unstable (decay within
seconds) and we can only identify them by what
they break into. They instabilities are not due
to being on earth, but are due to the
fundamental forces within the atoms. There is a
theory that some super heavy elements (lots of
neutrons compared to protons) will be relatively
stable, so those may be found somewhere in the
universe, but it is probably unlikely.
Hope that helps,
| | Answer 2:
Actually, there are as many elements on Earth
as there are in the Universe. There are 118 that
we have found, though anything over atomic
number 100 doesn't last for more than a couple
milliseconds at most. Interestingly, anything on
the periodic table with a higher atomic number
than lead (Pb) is unstable and will eventually
undergo radioactive decay.
| | Answer 3:
There are 114 known elements in the known
universe. A majority of the universe is made of
the gases hydrogen and helium. The two most
recent elements, Flerovium and Livermorium were
added to the periodic table May 31, 2012; they
are synthetically made (or man-made), and only
last a few seconds.
| | Answer 4:
Interesting question. There are nearly 120
elements that are known in the laboratory, with
more being added periodically, but the very
heaviest elements are so radioactive and have
such short half-lives that I don't think they've
ever been found in nature. Heavy elements in
nature are formed in the cores of massive stars
during supernovae, which are incredibly violent
events that cannot begin to be replicated in the
laboratory, so I'm pretty sure we don't know
what the heaviest atoms that sometimes get
formed in supernovae are, only that they don't
last long enough for us to ever see them.
According to the wikipedia article, the
heaviest element so far found in nature is
element 98, Californium, which is created from
the radioactive decay of other things.
Plutonium, element 94, is the heaviest element
that has ever been found that has not been the
product of radioactive decay (and yes, lower-
numbered elements can decay into higher-numbers
by spitting out electrons. This happens because
the decaying atom has more neutrons than is
stable, and one of the neutrons becomes a proton
and an electron, the latter of which is
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