Answer 1:
Despite the reputation of "rocket science" as
a frightfully difficult
subject that only the cleverest people can
understand, the basic
principle behind a rocket is actually quite
Physicists talk
about something called "momentum" which is what
you get when you
multiply the mass of an object (you can think of
this as sort of like
its weight) times its velocity (basically its
speed). This is useful
because it turns out that one of the basic laws
of physics is that the
momentum of an object will stay the same unless
the outside world
somehow acts upon it. Most of the everyday
examples you can think of
where something starts moving around are because
there is some force
acting on that object. For example, if you are
standing but then start
walking, your momentum increases (because your
speed goes from zero to
however fast you walk around) because you push
on the ground with your
feet and that propels you forward. Similarly,
when a bird flaps its
wings, they push down on the air around them and
the resistance of the
air powers the bird's flight.
But outer space is a vacuum without
ground or air to push against, so there is no
way for a spaceship to
change its momentum by pushing back on its
surroundings. Instead, a
rocket burns fuel, which produces gases, and
these gases are expelled
from the thrusters at the back of the rocket.
This causes the rocket
to lose mass, so, for the product of mass times
speed to stay the
same, that means that the speed must increase
exactly in proportion to
the amount of gas lost. This allows the rocket
to fly through the
vacuum of outer space. It's the same principle
that a squid uses to
jet through the ocean, and if you've ever untied
a balloon and watched
it shoot around the room as it deflates, you've
seen the same thing at
work there too. Of course if you are sending a
rocket to the Moon you
have to control this process very precisely so
that it doesn't fly
every which way like the deflating balloon, and
doing that is why
rocket science is difficult.
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