Answer 1:
Yes, Pandas do have circulatory systems.
Panda bears are mammals, just like us, and all
mammals have circulatory systems that are very
similar in their structure and how they
function. Mammalian hearts have four chambers:
a left and right atrium, and a left and right
ventricle. All mammalian blood is contained in
blood vessels, which are tubes that contain your
blood and ensure it only travels on a specific
path around the body. You can think of blood
vessels like roads in a city. When you drive
you can only travel on the roads, but they
extend to all the different locations you may
need to go to. Just like a car on a road, blood
can only travel around the body inside the blood
vessels, but the blood vessels extend to have
contact with every cell. Unlike cars on roads,
however, blood can only travel through the
circulatory system along a specific path. Blood
enters the heart through the right atria and
travels downwards to the right ventricle. The
right ventricle pumps blood through the
pulmonary artery to the lungs where it picks up
oxygen to be carried to all the cells of the
body. The blood returns from the lungs to the
left atria via the pulmonary vein, then travels
down to the left ventricle, and out of the heart
through the aorta. From there it travels to the
rest of the body, delivering oxygen to all cells
in the body. Not only is this type of
circulatory system common to all mammals, but it
is shared by all vertebrates (and some
invertebrates as well). However, most
invertebrates have an open circulatory system.
In this type of circulatory system, there are no
blood vessels, instead the heart pumps blood
into an open cavity, where it washes over the
organs and contacts cells surrounding the
cavity, delivery oxygen to the animal’s body.
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