Answer 1:
Water molecules interact with other water
molecules, and are generally attracted to each
other. By interacting with each other, they
become more stable. However, above the freezing
point of water, there is enough energy (heat) to
cause the water molecules to vibrate, rotate,
and move around. All this energy prevents water
molecules from freezing. However, as the
temperature decreases (and the energy of the
system decreases), the molecules move around
less and eventually they are still enough that
they can interact with each other, and form a
Think of it like a group of people trying to
hold hands. If these people have a lot of energy-
-they're running around and flailing their arms--
it's difficult for them to all hold hands.
However, if the people have less energy--they
calm down and stop moving--people next to each
other will be able to easily grab the arms or
hands of their neighbours.
Answer 2:
Water molecules are what is called polar -
they have a minus pole where the oxygen is and a
plus pole where the hydrogens are. Plus attracts
minus, so water molecules form long chains with
the plus pole of one molecule attached to the
minus pole of another.
Temperature is the motion of molecules. The
hotter they are, the more they are moving. When
water is hot, the force that attracts plus to
minus is too weak to overcome the existing
motion, but when the water is cold, the force of
plus attracted to minus is strong enough to hold
the molecules in place. This is what a crystal
is, and when something makes a crystal, we call
it freezing.
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