Answer 1:
Fish have different daily schedules. Some
are more active at night (nocturnal), some are
more active during the day (diurnal). As you
might expect, fish that hunt by sight are active
when it’s light out. So a goldfish is active in
the day.
Do you want your fish to actually “listen”
better or do you want them to pay attention to
something? Visual cues are usually more
important than sounds to a sight hunter like a
goldfish. People have had good luck training
them with things like small flashlights as
For example, the next time you feed your
fish, turn on a small flashlight at the same
time you feed the fish. If you do this every
time, fish will soon learn to associate the
light with a food reward. This is
called “classical conditioning.” It’s like
getting a happy feeling when you hear the
ringtone of your favorite person, even if the
sound itself isn’t that great.
You can use a “target” to train your fish to
do many things. Your target could be a
waterproof light, the beam of a laser, a stick,
or something else. Gently put it close to the
fish or close to food. If the fish touches it,
drop in a food pellet or flash the light, then
give a pellet. Try this a couple more times,
then take the target away. This is
called “operant conditioning,” training an
animal to do something to get a reward.
Wait until the fish is hungry again, then
repeat the whole thing. Gradually move the
target farther from the fish so that it has to
travel to get to it. This is called “shaping” a
behavior. You start off with the simplest first
step possible, then gradually train the animal
to do a little bit more for the same reward.
Each training session should be short so that
the fish does not get tired or full. Now you
can use the target to make the fish swim to a
certain place, or in a certain pattern.
I teach biology at a college. I have a master’s
degree in zoology (the study of animals) and a
doctorate in ecology (the study of relationships
between living things and their
Thanks for asking,
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