Answer 1:
Have you ever gotten a vaccination? When you
get vaccinated for say, Hepatitis A, you
actually are injected with a very small amount
of the virus so that your body can build up the
correct immune response to that specific virus.
It´s the same with the flu shot - flu shots give
you a small and controlled dose of the flu that
your body is able to recognize and attack so
that if the actual flu comes around you have all
the virus specific antibodies necessary to
attack it. Well it is exactly the same with
venom. The only way the body can appropriately
fight against the venom is by recognizing the
venom and knowing which antibodies to employ to
fight against it. Unfortunately, even a very
small amount of venom may be deadly to a person,
so instead, we use other animals to produce the
antibodies for us. Horses are commonly injected
with a very small, non-lethal amount of snake´s
venom. The horse´s immune system then responds
and begins to attack the venom, producing
antibodies that carry out this attack in the
process. Anti-venom is actually the harvested
antibodies. Rather than waiting for our body to
produce antibodies (which we may not have time
for in the case of very deadly venom) we just
give our body the antibodies it needs in the
form of anti-venom.
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