Answer 1:
That's a fun question. A lot of things stick
together with water - sand and dirt and
cornstarch and bits of paper, for example.
Those things all love water. The scientific
name for that is 'hydrophilic' - 'hydro'
for 'water,' and 'philic' for 'loving.' So the
water pulls the things together.
I can think of 2 things that don't stick
together with water. If you had gravel instead
of sand, then the pieces of gravel would be too
heavy for the water molecules to hold them
together. And if you had little bits of
styrofoam, maybe from shredding a styrofoam cup,
the water wouldn't hold them together. That's
because styrofoam molecules don't like water.
The scientific name for that is 'hydrophobic' -
'phobic' means 'afraid of,' so 'hydrophobic'
means 'afraid of water.' Of course molecules
and sand and styrofoam don't really love or hate
anything. They just interact with water in ways
that pull the water molecules toward them or
push away the water molecules.
Keep asking questions!
Best wishes,
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