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Is there any chance of life up in space?
Question Date: 2013-02-11
Answer 1:

We know that there is life on Earth (like us!) and there are billions of stars in our galaxy, each with their own planets that might have life. As scientists, we like to know why things happen. It turns out that the Earth is just the right distance from the Sun to have water, which is essential for life. Venus is too hot to have water because it is too close to the Sun. Mars only has ice, because it is too far away from the Sun. Cosmologists (scientists who study Space) have already found dozens of planets that are just the right distance from their stars to have water, and each of those might have its own life like Earth! Unfortunately, space is HUGE, and so we can’t go visit yet.

Answer 2:

The answer is almost certainly yes, but it may be that life is so rare that we may never find it, because the universe is so big.

Answer 3:

There are people who live in the international space station, which orbits around the Earth and is technically in space! But will it ever become something that a large percent of the human population does? I think that will depend on a lot of things, and we'll have to see what happens.

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