Answer 3:
That is a fantastic question! I’m not sure
that the smartest person on Earth can answer
this difficult question, but I will try to
answer based on how I understand it. Most
scientists think that our universe is infinite–
that space goes on forever and never ends. The
problem is that our universe has a finite age
(the big bang probably happened 13.7 billion
years age). This means that there is space that
is too far away to observe or measure. We can
measure light that reaches Earth today that has
traveled for 13.7 billion years. This light came
from 13.7 billion light years away in our
universe. There is probably light that comes
from further in the universe, for example from
100 billion light years away, but it would take
100 billion years to reach us, so it hasn’t
arrived yet. For this reason, we can’t measure
how big our universe actually is.
Some people think that space is actually
shaped like a ball or a sphere. This means that
space would have to be infinite or never ending.
If you walk all the way around a sphere, you get
back to where you started. This means that you
could walk around and around space without it
ever ending. The NASA website has some good
information on this topic
I know that this probably sounds really
confusing– that is because it is very
complicated! I have gone to school for over 20
years and I don’t know the answer! Great
scientists are great because they ask themselves
tough questions like the one you asked!
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