Answer 1:
Good question! We can’t see all of the stars
in other solar systems, but we can see some of
them. When you look into the sky at night and
see thousands and thousands of stars, those are
the stars at the center of other solar systems.
Some stars we cannot see because the visible
light that they let off is not intense or bright
enough to reach us on Earth. There are some
stars that you can’t see with your eyes that we
can see with special types of telescopes because
they measure types of light that humans can’t
see with their eyes.
There are billions and billions of
solar systems in the universe. Some are so far
away that it would take billions of years to
travel to them if you were moving at the speed
of light (that’s really fast). The closest solar
system to ours is called Proxima Centauri; it is
4.22 light years away
nearest star
That means that is would take 4.22 years to
get there if you were traveling at the speed of
light. If you walked around the Earth 1 billion
times, that is roughly how far you would have to
travel to get to the nearest solar system!