Answer 1:
Excellent question, and your right, our
galaxy is the Milky Way! Your question can be
answered with one word: gravity, but I like to
ramble about science, so I will go on. All
things in the universe that have mass are
attracted to each other by the force called
gravity. Early in the life of our universe,
shortly after the big bang, particles of matter
started to attract other particles. Eventually
these balls matter (atoms) form huge bodies like
stars. Stars attract other stars because of
gravity and eventually form galaxies, which are
just huge groups of stars. Galaxies get bigger
and more massive when they capture stars. This
makes the gravity of the galaxy stronger and it
captures more and more stars. This is how it
grows. Most galaxies have black holes at their
centers. Black holes are balls of matter that
are so dense and have such strong gravity that
not even light can escape them; that is why they
are dark. Galaxies get there disk shape because
they are rotating. The groups of stars flatten
into a disk as the galaxy spins. This is the
same reason that our solar system is flat. The
flattened disk of spinning matter that solar
systems form from is called a nebula.
You should check out the NASA website on
galaxies gal
axies It has some neat videos that show how
galaxies form.
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