Answer 1:
Tornados come from thunderstorms and they can
occur whenever and wherever conditions are
right! Tornadoes can occur in every state in the
United States, on any day of the year, and at
any hour. They also have been seen on every
continent on Earth except Antarctica. However,
while tornados can occur everywhere, there are
certain places that are tornado hot spots. In
the United States, there is a band of states
that experience more tornados and stronger
tornados than any other part of the country -
this area has been termed Tornado Alley and it
includes South Dakota, Nebraska, Oklahoma,
northern Texas, and eastern Colorado. So why are
there more tornados here? Well, as you now know,
tornados come from thunderstorms, but not just
any type of storm with thunder and
There is a special class of thunderstorms
called supercells from which tornados are far
more likely to develop. Supercells contain
mesocyclones, which are areas of high-speed wind
rotation. When typically form when the following
happens: increasing rainfall causes raindrops to
quickly carry air from storm clouds down to the
ground; this downward falling air accelerates as
it approaches the ground, which causes the high-
speed wind rotation of the mesocyclone to fall
towards the ground with it. This is why tornados
stretch from the ground into the sky.
Answer 2:
That’s a tough question! Atmospheric
scientists still don’t know exactly how
tornadoes form. The most destructive tornadoes
tend to form from massive thunderstorms called
supercells tornadoes
Supercells have large masses or rotating air
called mesocyclones, and these seem to cause
tornadoes, this might be how tornadoes get their
spin. Temperature and pressure gradients across
different parts of the mesocyclone might play a
role. When there is a temperature or pressure
gradient (differences in temperature or pressure
over a volume of air), air moves (causing high
winds) to even out the gradients.
Answer 3:
Nobody knows exactly what causes tornadoes,
but they form in powerful storms, usually
thunderstorms although other storms have been
known to create them. Tornadoes are too small to
be created by the Coriolis effect, which is what
causes the spin in most weather systems. It is
possible that it is due ultimately to the
Coriolis effect, but concentrated somehow, but
I'm pretty sure we don't exactly know.
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