Answer 1:
Good question! Most planets and stars are
near-spherical (they are actually usually
spheroidal– squashed spheres) because of the
gravitational force that they exert. Planets and
stars form when gases and small pieces of solid
matter (like asteroids and planetoids) accrete
or gather due to the force of gravity, which
exists between all objects with mass. Larger
objects have larger mass, and therefore stronger
gravity. The gravitational field around an
object points to its center of mass (COM). The
center of mass for planets and stars is in the
middle of the body. The gravitational potential
vectors point toward the COM
center of mass
so matter accelerates toward this point. Matter
that builds up around the COM of a planet or
star with “want” to go right to the COM, but
material that built up previously will be in the
way. This is why planets are spheroidal; they
are not perfect spheres because their rotation
sort of squashes them through centripetal force.
Sometimes a planet with experience gravitational
differentiation after it is fully built up. For
example, most of the iron and nickel (heavy
elements) were drawn in to form the Earth’s core
when the planet was still young.
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