Answer 1:
Malolactic fermentation is an important process
in the formation of wine, and so it has been well
malolactic fermentation
In answer to your question, malolactic
fermentation occurs in bacteria, which are
prokaryotes . Malolactic fermentation is a
form of cellular respiration. That is,
some bacteria use malolactic fermentation to
gain energy . Respiration involves the
Krebs Cycle and the electron transport
chain. Prokaryotes have very simple cells, with
few organelles or organized structures inside of
In prokaryotes, respiration can occur in the
cytoplasm (the fluid-like matrix inside of cells)
or via enzymes embedded in the cell wall.
Eukaryotes do not use malolactic fermentation
as a form of respiration, but they do use
other types of fermentation -- lactic acid
fermentation, for example. In eukaryotes, the
Krebs Cycle and the electron transport chain occur
within membrane-bound bodies located in the
cytoplasm called mitochondria .
Hence, in eukaryotic cells the organic
molecules used to fuel fermentation must be
transported inside the mitochondria, which takes
energy in the form of ATP. Energy must be used to
generate energy. This means that in eukaryotic
cells, fermentation is a less efficient form of
respiration than in prokaryotic cells. It is
an important source of energy in the absence of
oxygen, however.
Malolactic fermentation refers to the
conversion of malate to lactate. Both malate
and lactate are naturally-occuring organic acids.
Malolactic fermentation occurs during the
conversion of grape juice to wine. The
bacteria that do this can produce one of three end
products: lactate, acetate or ethanol. The major
step in malolactic fermentation is:
You can see that a COOH group is lost in the
process. Where does it go? One H atom is
transferred to the CH2 group to form
CH3 and the COO is released as
CO2, or carbon dioxide gas. This is
called decarboxylation.
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