Answer 4:
Minerals are made up of solid crystals. But how
do these crystals form? There are three main ways
it can happen.
The first way has to do with salty water (like
the water in the ocean). When salty water loses
water it becomes saltier and saltier. At a certain
point when there is more salt and less water the
things in the salt, called ions, begin to link
together to form mineral crystals. They link
together just like a necklace or bracelet chain.
The second way minerals form has to do with
things cooling down. Have you ever seen a volcano?
Well I have not but I have seen the pictures of
magma and lava pouring out of a volcano. But what
happens when this very hot lava starts to cool
down? When the lava cools, it also crystallizes
and forms minerals. This is actually how most of
the minerals in the center of our earth formed.
The process of mineral formation during the
cooling of magmas and lavas is the most important
process of mineral formation on the Earth.
Finally, some minerals are formed by a very
complicated combination of changes in pressure and
temperature. Some chemicals are very sensitive to
even small changes in temperature and pressure.
You´re natural body temperature is 98.6 degrees F.
When you get sick, you might get a fever and then
you might have a body temperature of 100 degrees
F. This does not feel very nice but you will get
better and be fine. But some things on our earth
(and even some minerals) are very sensitive to
changes in temperature. So instead of just getting
sick they might completely change into another
type of mineral! Glad you are not a mineral,
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