Answer 1:
This is a terrific question, and the answer is
we don´t know exactly. Feelings are tough things
to measure. To be able to understand feelings we
would almost need to be able to read peoples´ (or
elephants´) minds. Actually the question of
whether or not elephants have feelings is
something that scientists have debated for many
years. We do know that elephant are highly
intelligent creatures. In fact the brain of an
elephant is very similar to the brain of a human
in terms of complexity.
Elephants also have a wide range of observable
behaviors: elephants have behavior associated with
grief, compassion, cooperation, memory, learning,
playing, using tools and many more very complex
behaviors. All of these things indicate that
elephants are very smart animals indeed! And, in
general, intellectual animals are also capable of
feeling emotions and having feelings. So it´s
certainly possible!
Darcy Bradley
| Answer 2:
Yes, not unlike humans. Click Here to return to the search form.
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